The uses of credit card are many, be it cashless transaction, reward points or additional perks. But credit cards are usually considered to be the most expensive way of financing as their interest rates run into double digits. However, most cardholders don’t know that credit cards can be very helpful for short-term financing. Similar to traditional loans, a pre-approved loan on credit card can be availed within your credit limit. Loan on credit card gets disbursed quickly and interest rate levied is usually between 12% and 18% per annum.
The uses of credit cards are many. Starting from cashless transactions to reward points and special deals, you can use credit card anywhere across the globe. Also, cardholders can avail pre-approved loans on credit cards within or over their credit limit. Similar to the usual loan schemes, the issuer essentially loans you the amount which you will be able to repay at a later date while being charged a definite interest rate.
A loan credit card works like a personal loan. It is a means of financing that can help you meet your monetary needs in a relatively short period of time. As long as you have a credit card in your name, you can avail money against it, usually without having to submit any new documents.
Credit card loans are usually pre-approved and can be availed instantly. In the case of the Friend Digital 24 RBL Bank credit card, you are already assigned a pre-approved limit. When you need to avail money, you can convert this limit into an interest-free personal loan and get instant cash up to 90 days.
Friend Digital 24 Easy Loan is a very convenient and quick option to get ready cash when you need it the most. Your Friend Digital 24 credit card already has a loan amount pre-approved for you, depending on your unutilized credit limit. All you need to do is apply and receive your much needed cash.