Senior Citizen Health Insurance


Health care costs are high and getting higher. As the age of an individual increases, the health care costs increase manifold and become a burden on the individual. Senior citizens have to pay out of their hard-earned savings to meet the expenses. Friend Digital 24 Silver Health Plan for senior citizens protects you and your spouse in case you need expensive medical care.

Senior citizen health insurance offers coverage for senior citizens aged between 60 years and 80 years. Senior citizen health insurance plan is a necessity especially when you are planning to retire and live on pension or interest income from savings. A sudden medical emergency can result in a financial crisis. To avoid this, it is prudent to take a comprehensive senior citizen med claim insurance policy.

Costs for medicines, hospitalization and treatment are rising at an exponential rate. Add to it the handicap of limited income of senior citizens with no scope of increase in income. This problematic combination can make retirement a burden rather than a happy second innings. In such times, a senior citizen health insurance policy proves to be a boon.

Today, there are various health insurance plans specially designed for the Senior Citizens from a number of companies which might leave you wondering which will be the best. Allow us to simplify it for you.

But, in retrospection, senior citizens might require an active life insurance at any given point of time. Life expectancy in India averages around 60-65 years, with many people crossing the 80 year mark. A support plan for the future, if not already present, is a great idea to help your better half, if it be so unfortunate that your demise be untimely. In addition to that, some life insurance plans from Friend Digital 24 also offer a return of investment in terms of monthly income or lump sum amounts.