Cancer Insurance


Normally, in a human body, human cells grow and divide to form new cells. If the cells get damaged or grow old, they die and are replaced by new cells. Cancer develops when there is a break-down in this order. In such cases, cells become prominently abnormal and old/damaged cells tend to survive instead of dying. Along with this, new cells are formed when they shouldn’t. These extra cells continue dividing without stopping and may form growths called tumors. Cancer tumors are nasty and dangerous as they can spread into a nearby tissue. When tumor’s grow, some cancer cells break off and tend to travel to other body parts through the blood and form new tumor’s. This way, they spread dangerously. There are different types of cancer like lung, breast, lymphoma, brain, leukemia, ovarian etc. Cancer can be prevented in its initial stages to stage three. Once stage four is reached, the chances are minimal. Cancer often comes unannounced which makes it necessary to be prepared in advance. Be sure to insure with Friend Digital 24 health insurance plans to live a secure life.

Be prepared in the face of medical uncertainties with Friend Digital 24 Health insurance. Avail all round protection against several medical issues, and protect your loved ones’ future with our Smart Super Health Insurance Policy and Smart Health Insurance Policy.

Friend Digital 24 Cancer Care offers lump sum benefit on diagnosis of Cancer that helps to protect your income and savings from expenses that aren't covered by your major medical coverage, like Out of pocket medical expenses, Out of Network specialist, Experimental Cancer Treatment, Travel & Lodging etc. when treatment is far and so on.

Today, there are various health insurance plans specially designed for the Cancer Insurance from a number of companies which might leave you wondering which will be the best. Allow us to simplify it for you.